
0 简介bitnami和gitlab


BitNami是一个开源项目,该项目产生的开源软件包安装 Web应用程序和解决方案堆栈,以及虚拟设备。bitnami主办Bitrock公司成立于2003年在西班牙塞维利亚,由丹尼尔·洛佩兹Ridruejo。bitnami栈用于安装在Linux,Windows,Mac OS X中和Solaris软件。[1] BitNami 提供wordpress、joomla、drupal、bbpress等开源程序的傻瓜式安装包下载,所有的安装包内置了服务器环境,就是说,不需要在本地 电脑上另外搭建服务器,就可以一次性傻瓜式安装完毕。BitNami开源PHP程序傻瓜集成安装包可选环境,包括WAMP,LAMP,MAMP,SAMP。[2]
来源: <> ps :这个玩意很好,很多东西实现一键安装。doc统一在:


GitLab 是一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目。使用Git作为代码管理工具,并在此基础上搭建起来的web服务
来源: <> ps : 这东西安装起来很费劲,本人比较笨,从来没装成功过。要想自己一个个安装参考 百度

1 下载:


2 安装过程

ps 需要root 前提信息记录 账户名 xschao 密码 xiaoxiao
[root@centos_xschao gitlab]$ chmod +x 
[root@centos_xschao gitlab]# ./ 
Welcome to the Bitnami Gitlab Stack Setup Wizard.
Select the components you want to install; clear the components you do not want 
to install. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
GitLab : Y (Cannot be edited)
GitLab CI [Y/n] :Y
Is the selection above correct? [Y/n]: Y
Installation folder
Please, choose a folder to install Bitnami Gitlab Stack
Select a folder [/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0]: 

Create Admin account
Bitnami Gitlab Stack admin user creation
Email Address []: 
Login [xschao]: 
Password :xxxxxxxxxxx
Please confirm your password :
Hostname that will be used to create internal URLs. If this value is incorrect, 
you may be unable to access your Gitlab installation from other computers. It is 
advisable to use a Domain instead of an IP address for compatibility with 
different browsers.
Domain []: 这里最好写外网ip或者域名
Do you want to configure mail support? [y/N]: y
Configure SMTP Settings
This is required so your application can send notifications via email.
Default email provider:
[1] GMail
[2] Custom
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Configure SMTP Settings
This data is stored in the application configuration files and may be visible to 
others. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not use your personal 
account credentials.
GMail address []:        
GMail password :
Re-enter :
Setup is now ready to begin installing Bitnami Gitlab Stack on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Please wait while Setup installs Bitnami Gitlab Stack on your computer.
 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

3 使用的组件

ps 没好奇心略过即可,
root@centos_xschao gitlab-7.4.3-0]# ps aux|grep `pwd`
root      7560  0.0  0.1   4484  1184 pts/1    S    00:08   0:00 /bin/sh /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/my.cnf --port=3306 --socket=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --datadir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data --log-error=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.log --pid-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/ --lower-case-table-names=1
mysql     7836  0.2  3.7 323280 38592 pts/1    Sl   00:08   0:02 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/bin/mysqld.bin --defaults-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/my.cnf --basedir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql --datadir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data --plugin-dir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/lib/plugin --user=mysql --lower-case-table-names=1 --log-error=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.log --pid-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/ --socket=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --port=3306
redis     8032  0.0  0.1  33456  1304 ?        Ssl  00:10   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/redis/bin/redis-server                             
root      8853  0.0  2.6 112060 27852 ?        Ss   00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8877  0.0  1.0 112668 11268 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8878  0.0  1.1 112828 11492 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8879  0.0  1.1 113028 11628 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8880  0.0  1.0 112696 11296 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8881  0.0  1.1 113164 11624 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8934  0.0  1.1 113156 11740 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8961  0.0  1.0 112684 11296 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
daemon    8962  0.0  1.1 112684 11400 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
101       9022  0.0  0.0   4528   512 ?        S    00:14   0:00 -bash -c ((cd /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner && /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner/bin/runner RAILS_ENV=production 2>&1) >/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner/logs/gitlabci-runner.log) &
101       9023  0.1  1.4  43012 15016 ?        Sl   00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/ruby/bin/.ruby.bin /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner/bin/runner RAILS_ENV=production
daemon    9113  0.0  1.1 113004 11616 ?        S    00:14   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
101       9145  0.3  7.4 101724 76624 ?        Sl   00:14   0:02 Passenger RackApp: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/htdocs                                                                               
git       9230  1.3 11.2 166724 116568 ?       Sl   00:16   0:07 Passenger RackApp: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlab/htdocs                                                                                 
git       9419  6.6 10.5 155652 109296 ?       Sl   00:21   0:18 Passenger AppPreloader: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlab/htdocs                                                                            
daemon    9422  0.0  1.0 112504 10812 ?        S    00:21   0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
git       9502  0.0 10.1 156588 104648 ?       Sl   00:22   0:00 Passenger RackApp: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlab/htdocs                                                                                 
root      9651  0.0  0.0   3912   672 pts/1    R+   00:26   0:00 grep /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0

4 启动命令

[root@centos_xschao gitlab-7.4.3-0]# find ./ -name '*ctlscript*'
[root@centos_xschao gitlab-7.4.3-0]# ./ 
usage: ./ help
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status)
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) mysql
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) apache
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) redis
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) gitlab_sidekiq
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) gitlabci_sidekiq
       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) gitlabci_runner
help       - this screen
start      - start the service(s)
stop       - stop  the service(s)
restart    - restart or start the service(s)
status     - show the status of the service(s)

5 配置: 参考这里:酌情翻墙