harbor是由vmware 中国团队开发并开源的企业级 docker registry 服务,是对官方开源的 Docker Registry 的扩展,增加了一些企业需要的功能,如安全、复制和管理。harbor 主要用于搭建私有 registry,提供了企业需要的安全和控制功能。同时,它也帮助减少带宽使用量,这对提供生产能力和性能有帮助。
harbor 的强大之处在于,同时提供了 registry 的存储功能、认证功能、web ui 浏览和管理功能,且搭建相对简单。
$ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) $ uname -srvmpio Linux 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 15 15:05:51 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux $ ip addr show | grep eth0 | grep inet inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
能通过http://打开 web ui;
能通过172.20.30.35:10080 push/pull docker 镜像。
而 harbor 的默认使用的端口是 80,我们要改变这个端口到 10080,因为目标主机的 80 端口在外部无法访问。
Harbor 的安装方法有两种:
- 从源码安装 -- 这通过一个完全的构建过程,且需要你的主机能连接外网
- 预构建安装包 -- 这比较节省时间(不需要构建),同时允许在一台没有联网的主机上搭建
harbor 是以若干个 docker 容器化应用部署的,所以可以安装在任何支持 docker 的 linux 机器上。目标主机需要安装 python 2.7或以上, docker 1.10或以上,docker-compose 1.6.0 或以上。
$ git clone https://github.com/vmware/harbor
$ cd harbor/Deploy
主要配置下面几个文件(改动的行用 ** 标记):
$ vim templates/ui/app.conf appname = registry runmode = dev [lang] types = en-US|zh-CN names = en-US|zh-CN [dev] **httpport = 10080** [mail] host = $email_server port = $email_server_port username = $email_username password = $email_password from = $email_from ssl = $email_ssl
$ vim templates/registry/config.yml version: 0.1 log: level: debug fields: service: registry storage: cache: layerinfo: inmemory filesystem: **rootdirectory: /var/lib/registry** maintenance: uploadpurging: enabled: false delete: enabled: true http: addr: :5000 secret: placeholder debug: addr: localhost:5001 auth: token: issuer: registry-token-issuer **realm: $ui_url:10080/service/token** rootcertbundle: /etc/registry/root.crt service: token-service notifications: endpoints: - name: harbor disabled: false url: http://ui/service/notifications timeout: 500ms threshold: 5 backoff: 1s
$ vim harbor.cfg ## Configuration file of Harbor #The IP address or hostname to access admin UI and registry service. #DO NOT use localhost or, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients. **hostname =** #The protocol for accessing the UI and token/notification service, by default it is http. #It can be set to https if ssl is enabled on nginx. ui_url_protocol = http #Email account settings for sending out password resetting emails. email_server = smtp.mydomain.com email_server_port = 25 email_username = sample_admin@mydomain.com email_password = abc email_from = adminemail_ssl = false ##The password of Harbor admin, change this before any production use. **harbor_admin_password = 1** ##By default the auth mode is db_auth, i.e. the credentials are stored in a local database. #Set it to ldap_auth if you want to verify a user's credentials against an LDAP server. auth_mode = db_auth #The url for an ldap endpoint. ldap_url = ldaps://ldap.mydomain.com #The basedn template to look up a user in LDAP and verify the user's password. #For AD server, uses this template: #ldap_basedn = CN=%s,OU=Dept1,DC=mydomain,DC=com ldap_basedn = uid=%s,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com #The password for the root user of mysql db, change this before any production use. db_password = root123 #Turn on or off the self-registration feature **self_registration = off** #Determine whether the UI should use compressed js files. #For production, set it to on. For development, set it to off. use_compressed_js = on #Maximum number of job workers in job service max_job_workers = 3 #Determine whether the job service should verify the ssl cert when it connects to a remote registry. #Set this flag to off when the remote registry uses a self-signed or untrusted certificate. **verify_remote_cert = off** #Determine whether or not to generate certificate for the registry's token. #If the value is on, the prepare script creates new root cert and private key #for generating token to access the registry. If the value is off, a key/certificate must #be supplied for token generation. **customize_crt = off** #Information of your organization for certificate crt_country = CN crt_state = State crt_location = CN crt_organization = organization crt_organizationalunit = organizational unit crt_commonname = example.com crt_email = example@example.com #####
$ vim docker-compose.yml version: '2' services: log: build: ./log/ restart: always volumes: - /var/log/harbor/:/var/log/docker/ ports: - 1514:514 registry: image: library/registry:2.4.0 restart: always volumes: **- /var/lib/registry:/storage** - ./config/registry/:/etc/registry/ environment: - GODEBUG=netdns=cgo ports: - 5001:5001 command: ["serve", "/etc/registry/config.yml"] depends_on: - log logging: driver: "syslog" options: syslog-address: "tcp://" tag: "registry" mysql: build: ./db/ restart: always volumes: - /data/database:/var/lib/mysql env_file: - ./config/db/env depends_on: - log logging: driver: "syslog" options: syslog-address: "tcp://" tag: "mysql" ui: build: context: ../ dockerfile: Dockerfile.ui env_file: - ./config/ui/env restart: always volumes: - ./config/ui/app.conf:/etc/ui/app.conf - ./config/ui/private_key.pem:/etc/ui/private_key.pem depends_on: - log logging: driver: "syslog" options: syslog-address: "tcp://" tag: "ui" jobservice: build: context: ../ dockerfile: Dockerfile.job env_file: - ./config/jobservice/env restart: always volumes: - /data/job_logs:/var/log/jobs - ./config/jobservice/app.conf:/etc/jobservice/app.conf depends_on: - ui logging: driver: "syslog" options: syslog-address: "tcp://" tag: "jobservice" proxy: image: library/nginx:1.9 restart: always volumes: - ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx ports: **- 10080:10080** - 443:443 depends_on: - mysql - registry - ui - log logging: driver: "syslog" options: syslog-address: "tcp://" tag: "proxy"
$ vim config/jobservice/app.conf appname = jobservice runmode = dev [dev] **httpport = 10080**
$ vim config/nginx/nginx.conf worker_processes auto; events { worker_connections 1024; use epoll; multi_accept on; } http { tcp_nodelay on; # this is necessary for us to be able to disable request buffering in all cases proxy_http_version 1.1; upstream registry { server registry:5000; } upstream ui { **server ui:10080;** } server { **listen 10080;** # disable any limits to avoid HTTP 413 for large image uploads client_max_body_size 0; location / { proxy_pass http://ui/; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; # When setting up Harbor behind other proxy, such as an Nginx instance, remove the below line if the proxy already has similar settings. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_buffering off; proxy_request_buffering off; } location /v1/ { return 404; } location /v2/ { proxy_pass http://registry/v2/; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; # When setting up Harbor behind other proxy, such as an Nginx instance, remove the below line if the proxy already has similar settings. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_buffering off; proxy_request_buffering off; } location /service/ { proxy_pass http://ui/service/; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; # When setting up Harbor behind other proxy, such as an Nginx instance, remove the below line if the proxy already has similar settings. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_buffering off; proxy_request_buffering off; } } }
$ vim config/ui/app.conf appname = registry runmode = dev [lang] types = en-US|zh-CN names = en-US|zh-CN [dev] **httpport = 10080** [mail] host = smtp.mydomain.com port = 25 username = sample_admin@mydomain.com password = abc from = adminssl = false
$ vim /etc/sysconfig/docker # /etc/sysconfig/docker # Modify these options if you want to change the way the docker daemon runs OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald' DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/etc/docker **DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry"** # If you want to add your own registry to be used for docker search and docker # pull use the ADD_REGISTRY option to list a set of registries, each prepended # with --add-registry flag. The first registry added will be the first registry # searched. #ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry registry.access.redhat.com' # If you want to block registries from being used, uncomment the BLOCK_REGISTRY # option and give it a set of registries, each prepended with --block-registry # flag. For example adding docker.io will stop users from downloading images # from docker.io # BLOCK_REGISTRY='--block-registry' # If you have a registry secured with https but do not have proper certs # distributed, you can tell docker to not look for full authorization by # adding the registry to the INSECURE_REGISTRY line and uncommenting it. INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry' # On an SELinux system, if you remove the --selinux-enabled option, you # also need to turn on the docker_transition_unconfined boolean. # setsebool -P docker_transition_unconfined 1 # Location used for temporary files, such as those created by # docker load and build operations. Default is /var/lib/docker/tmp # Can be overriden by setting the following environment variable. # DOCKER_TMPDIR=/var/tmp # Controls the /etc/cron.daily/docker-logrotate cron job status. # To disable, uncomment the line below. # LOGROTATE=false # # docker-latest daemon can be used by starting the docker-latest unitfile. # To use docker-latest client, uncomment below line #DOCKERBINARY=/usr/bin/docker-latest
2.9重启 docker-engine
$ service docker restart
$ systemctl restart docker.service
3、构建并启动 harbor
$ ./prepare .... The configuration files are ready, please use docker-compose to start the service. $ docker-compose up Starting deploy_log_1 Starting deploy_ui_1 Starting deploy_mysql_1 Starting deploy_registry_1 Starting deploy_jobservice_1 Starting deploy_proxy_1 Attaching to deploy_log_1, deploy_ui_1, deploy_registry_1, deploy_mysql_1, deploy_jobservice_1, deploy_proxy_1 ui_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:15Z [INFO] Config path: /etc/ui/app.conf ui_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:15Z [DEBUG] [base.go:54]: db url: mysql:3306, db user: root ui_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [ERROR] [base.go:66]: failed to connect to db, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused registry_1 | time="2016-07-26T13:12:15.557929687Z" level=info msg="configuring endpoint harbor (http://ui/service/notifications), timeout=500ms, headers=map[]" go.version=go1.6.1 instance.id=d69175ba-c563-4a9a-bbcb-fc90271935e8 service=registry version=v2.4.0 registry_1 | time="2016-07-26T13:12:15.563872153Z" level=info msg="redis not configured" go.version=go1.6.1 instance.id=d69175ba-c563-4a9a-bbcb-fc90271935e8 service=registry version=v2.4.0 registry_1 | time="2016-07-26T13:12:15.572819857Z" level=info msg="debug server listening localhost:5001" registry_1 | time="2016-07-26T13:12:15.611411032Z" level=info msg="using inmemory blob descriptor cache" go.version=go1.6.1 instance.id=d69175ba-c563-4a9a-bbcb-fc90271935e8 service=registry version=v2.4.0 registry_1 | time="2016-07-26T13:12:15.611763465Z" level=debug msg="configured \"token\" access controller" go.version=go1.6.1 instance.id=d69175ba-c563-4a9a-bbcb-fc90271935e8 service=registry version=v2.4.0 registry_1 | time="2016-07-26T13:12:15.611835323Z" level=info msg="listening on [::]:5000" go.version=go1.6.1 instance.id=d69175ba-c563-4a9a-bbcb-fc90271935e8 service=registry version=v2.4.0 mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 5.6.31) starting as process 1 ... mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled. mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.8 mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda. mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active. mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.31 started; log sequence number 1736276 mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 3306 mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] IPv6 is available. mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] - '::' resolves to '::'; mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'. mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:16 1 [Warning] 'proxies_priv' entry '@ root@22b6d68df32a' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:17 1 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events mysql_1 | 2016-07-26 13:12:17 1 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections. mysql_1 | Version: '5.6.31' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL) jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [INFO] Config path: /etc/jobservice/app.conf jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [config.go:89]: config: maxJobWorkers: 3 jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [config.go:90]: config: localUIURL: http://ui jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [config.go:91]: config: localRegURL: http://registry:5000 jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [config.go:92]: config: verifyRemoteCert: off jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [config.go:93]: config: logDir: /var/log/jobs jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [config.go:94]: config: uiSecret: ****** jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [DEBUG] [base.go:54]: db url: mysql:3306, db user: root jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:16Z [ERROR] [base.go:66]: failed to connect to db, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused ui_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:18Z [INFO] User id: 1 already has its encrypted password. ui_1 | 2016/07/26 13:12:18 [asm_amd64.s:1998][I] http server Running on :10080 jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:18Z [DEBUG] [workerpool.go:123]: worker 0 started jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:18Z [DEBUG] [workerpool.go:123]: worker 1 started jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:18Z [DEBUG] [workerpool.go:123]: worker 2 started jobservice_1 | 2016-07-26T13:12:18Z [DEBUG] [main.go:36]: Trying to resume halted jobs... jobservice_1 | 2016/07/26 13:12:18 [asm_amd64.s:1998][I] http server Running on :10080
$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7f893cfcead0 library/nginx:1.9 "nginx -g 'daemon off" About an hour ago Up About a minute>443/tcp, 80/tcp,>10080/tcp deploy_proxy_1 e70967b2b72f deploy_jobservice "/go/bin/harbor_jobse" About an hour ago Up About a minute deploy_jobservice_1 975e74c43e47 deploy_mysql "docker-entrypoint.sh" About an hour ago Up About a minute 3306/tcp deploy_mysql_1 e4b364187a43 library/registry:2.4.0 "/bin/registry serve " About an hour ago Up About a minute 5000/tcp,>5001/tcp deploy_registry_1 e91872374e25 deploy_ui "/go/bin/harbor_ui" About an hour ago Up About a minute 80/tcp deploy_ui_1 04d2ddf3cd63 deploy_log "/bin/sh -c 'cron && " About an hour ago Up About a minute>514/tcp deploy_log_1
$ netstat -nlpt | grep docker-proxy Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp6 0 0 :::5001 :::* LISTEN 13272/docker-proxy tcp6 0 0 :::1514 :::* LISTEN 13177/docker-proxy tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 13442/docker-proxy tcp6 0 0 :::10080 :::* LISTEN 13435/docker-proxy
预构建安装 跟 源码 安装几乎一样。
预构建安装 支持无外网连接安装,其实就是先在能连外网的机器上安装一遍,再用 docker save 将镜像导出来,再把导出来的镜像用 scp 或其它工具传给目标主机,再在目标主机上用 docker load 导进去。之后步骤就是上面讲的改配置等等。
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald' DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/etc/docker ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry' DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry" INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry'
$ service docker restart
$ systemctl restart docker.service
$ docker login
4、push 镜像到仓库
$ docker tag your-docker-image注意,your-repository-name不能少,否则会报错:权限验证失败
$ docker push
5、从仓库中 pull 镜像
$ docker pull your-repository-name/your-docker-image或者
$ docker pull